
military units and formations by period معنى

  • وحدات وتشكيلات عسكرية حسب الحقبة
  • military    adj. عسكري, حربي
  • military units and formations    وحدات وتشكيلات عسك ...
  • units    الوحدات
  • and    conj. واو العطف, أ ...
  • formations    التشكيلات; مكون
  • by    adv. من طريق, في س ...
  • period    n. حصة, حقبة, زمن, ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. military units and formations by country معنى
  2. military units and formations by decade of disestablishment معنى
  3. military units and formations by decade of establishment معنى
  4. military units and formations by millennium of disestablishment معنى
  5. military units and formations by millennium of establishment معنى
  6. military units and formations by size معنى
  7. military units and formations by type معنى
  8. military units and formations by war معنى
  9. military units and formations by year of disestablishment معنى
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